Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Web

YouTube - Tim Berners Lee on the Semantic Web

As a digital artist I find the idea of a semantic web as something only dreamed about, a collaborative greenhouse where ideas can be grow and be shared, freely and securely.

Like an ecosystem of Data, Data-miners and Datavores information moves and develops like a living thing. Evolution of ideas and cross interaction leading to never before seen collaborative efforts leading to philosophical, spiritual, economic, scientific..... Okay so pretty much anywhere you can imagine.

As a science-fiction junkie I am reminded of the interesting Earthweb by: Marc Stiegler

Humanity under attack from aliens, Shiva's massive juggernauts single minded on the destruction of earth. Our greatest weapon is the Web where the collective ideas, observations and interest of the entire human race focus on one thing, survival. The book is an interesting read and a wonderful posit of what the internet could be.

There are of course heroes, tragedy and intrigue, but where the author shines in my opinion is in the intricate detail given to the structure and history and development of the web in it's "current" fictional incarnation.

Through the use of the pressure provided by the impending threat of the looming Shiva's Earth, while still politically, economically and social fragmented, has united in will under a common purpose.

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