Sunday, August 31, 2008

Real Life

My Friends, Tammy and Dan, have moved their bookstore. I have been at their new location helping with the renovations in preperation for the store opening for online sales.

check out their blog at Jackson Street Books

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Anathem by:Neal Stephenson


By: Neal Stephenson

Anathem establishes a unique and complex history divided between The Saecular World; what we refer to as Pop Culture and Religous Theology, and The Mathic Concents; Scientific Advancement and Theoretical Proof. A history in which scientific development outstripped the pace society grudgingly set, resulting in a series of "Terrible Events" that almost destroyed humanity.

From these events a spectrum of "Iconographies", or characteristics that the Avout, those of mathic theoric mental discipline, are seen as having, became a predominant form of stereotyping used to disturbing ends in some cases. From a God like love of, to a Satanic hatred for, the avout are fish out of water in a sea of human chaos.

On to the history of Mathic Concents, where those of scientific aptitude are segregated from the Saecular tides of humanity washing against the walls of their fortress-like monastaries. Neal Stephenson introduces our Mathic protagonist, Fraa Erasmas or Raz for short, who proceeds to take the reader along as his life of ordered rote ceremony and contemplation in the Concent of Saunt Edhar, is shattered by events beyond either mathic or saecular control that threatens all of Abre. Raz finds out just how much both sides of the Mathic divide knows or doesn't, about each other, themselves or the rest of the universe.

On first blush Anathem is a daunting task, thick at 935 pages, it presents the reader with the sometimes difficult task of interpreting the language and formulaic ways of Abre. consulting the glossary in the back will help this phase passes very quickly. An intricate clockwork arrangement showcasing, in my opinion, awe inspiring skill by Stephenson. In most cases the names and concepts are not very difficult, I do however recommend that when the narrative refers to a Calca do take the extra moments to read the included short story Calca in the glossary. Each chapter has a helpful definition from the glossary often pertaining to the coming chapter at the beginning, while maintaining a sometimes steep but fulfilling acculturation curve.

There really is so much going on in this book with plot lines masterfully woven that trying to encapsulating the essence of Anathem is difficult. Neal Stephenson leads the reader down detailed Theoric paths of logic that are adventures unto themselves, while maintaining consistant and detailed human interactions. Using formulaic interactions as a strong cultural element in the Mathic Concent generates a very pronounced feeling for me that rides the line between theological refugee and prisoner. Where the gates to the various maths of the concent associated with one, ten, one hundred and one thousand year intervals, only open each cycle for ten days. (I.E. Erasmas's Decenarian Maths gate opens to outside contact every decade.) In opposing contrast is The Saecular World outside the walls, where government, religion and ever refined familiar and unfamiliar technologies wage war on the allegiance of the human slines, derogatory for baseline, meaning average in every way with no hope of anything more. In this sea of humanity laced with mega stores, casinos and just about anything a sline could possibly want, are flung Raz and avout who are tasked with preventing a mysterious disaster to Abre itself.

Underneath the hood of this wonderfully engaging narrative lies the structure consisting of a detailed history allowing the author and readers to easily access details of 6989 years of history. Spanning -3400 to +3689 is a timeline giving rough date ranges for the history of Abre that helps to tie the intricate glossary and storycraft into a thought provoking excersize in mental gymnastics.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Outer Space!

WIP Proteus, Playing with shadows.


I've been playing with my shadow settings and the materials, I found some interesting information on textures and shadows and all kinds of cool stuff. I might be able to get better results from these new tuts, as soon as I can go through them.

I'll add more pics and stuff later, I'm going out to Hoquiam so I'll get an update in among these cool scheduled posts when I can.

Wish-list Book: Introducing Character Animation with Blender.

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Outer Space

The Above is WIP Proteus, Step 2, mesh detail added, Preliminary textures added.
The Below is WIP Proteus, Step 3, mesh detail added, Preliminary textures added.

Greetings from Outer Space!

I'm going sci-fi geek with my renders of science fiction space ships lately, my current WIP Proteus, is my latest and greatest effort and a near-photo-quality spaceship.

WIP Proteus, Step 3, mesh detail added, Preliminary textures added.

I'd love some feedback to know just how much rambling about any given subject I provide, I can be verbose and have been accused of having "Logorhea" or Diarhea of Words I suppose. so let me know.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Welcome to the Show

Greetings and Salutations!

I am Andy/Aerik Forager, I am a 3-d artist. I have many other interesting bits about me that you'll probably pick up along the way.

The above image is the first render of my new Work In Progress, WIP henceforth, Proteus. At this point in the modelling proccess it isn't much more than a simple Earth, Moon and Volume Mesh stand in for the ship.

I'm using the WONDERFUL OPEN SOURCE 3D MODELLING SOFTWARE! Blender 3d and The Fabulous GIMP, an open source photoshop superior. I'll post more renders and modelling stuff later, doing the guest book report for Jackson Street Books on Anathem By Neal Stephenson!

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